funded from
8th to the 29th OCT 2021
of play
This is the alpha playtest of Apawthecaria. You will play as a beast in the Bristley Woods, going on a journey and making remedies.This is an overview of what you can expect to experience in the full game:
Introduce Yourself. Create a Poulticepounder, decide your Travel Style, and establish who your Familiar is.
Start a Journey. Choose where you are going and why, and how long you have to get there. Set a Goal that you will track across your travels.
Diagnose Ailments. Earn your keep on the road by identifying what ails the beasts you meet.
Forage and Barter. Gather reagents in your local area, and trade for more potent ones. Resolve Foraging Encounters that change with location and season.
Create Remedies. Use your gathered Reagents to create Remedies for the beasts you meet. Invent complex recipes with flexible prompts.
Rewards & Consequences. Earn Trinkets for your characters, and gain Reputation for the Guild (which is shared across all playthroughs). Unlock different Outcomes from your Remedies, and face the Consequences of failure.
Managing Inventory. Keep track of the Weight each of your special Tools and Reagents have, balancing function, flexibility and potency.
Travelling the Woods. After helping local beasts, travel across Paths and Waterways into Locations with 6 different Regions, such as Forest or Mountain. Soar through the dangerous skies, or resolve Travel Encounters as you move into each new place.
Ending Your Journey. Determine the outcomes of your Goal, and if you completed it in time. Spend Downtime spending Trinkets for significant improvements, and to establish Clinics that benefit all Poulticepounders in all playthroughs.
The end of one Journey is just the start of another! In the full game, you can start another Journey with the same character, or create a new one. Explore the Scottish landscape as seasons change, and different reagents bloom and fade.
Character Sheets
These are character sheets for the alpha playtest of Apawthecaria. You can download them by right-clicking or long-pressing on each one, and opening the original image in a new tab.These sheets are drafts only, and will improve with feedback!


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Welcome to Apawthecaria: A Poulticepounder Adventure. This is the public Alpha of a journaling game set in the Bristley Woods, a wild Scottish forest from the Beast Fables setting. This game is a collaboration between Blackwell Games and Dungeons on a Dime, revising the Apothecaria system for you to explore the massive forests of post-human Scotland as a tiny beast.

How Do I Play?
Journaling games are usually played on your own. You will need something to write in that you can regularly update (such as a book, or a notes app), and a standard deck of 52 playing cards (or an app that can pick cards for you).As you go on adventures through the Bristley Woods, record your characters' thoughts and escapades in your Journal, so that you can reflect on them later.Here are some tips for you to follow as your play:
Journal about this. As you play, you may be prompted to write in your journal about a specific prompt, question or ongoing event. This can take any form you like; simply thinking about the prompt, writing a few sentences, or even doing a drawing. If you don't feel like recording an event, feel free to move on from it.
Draw from. You will be asked to ‘draw from’ different tables. This is our shorthand for saying ‘draw a card from your deck of playing cards, and compare its result to this specific table, and then follow the instructions written on that card’s entry on the table.’
Italicised Text. Text that is is italicised will tend to be instructions for you to follow, such as 'draw from the travel encounter table, and then journal about your experiences'.
Specific Overrides General. If presented with two rules, the more specific rule takes precedence.
Can I Break The Rules?
The short answer is “Yes, if you want to”.
If a prompt from the game doesn’t fit the story you want to tell, no one will be looking over your shoulder to make sure you follow it.That said, some of the Tools, Upgrades and Locations are harder to get to or more dangerous to traverse. This is intentional. Not every journey will be easy, and not every story has a happy ending. If you want to explore those themes with us, push on through the bad times, alongside the good.

Cultural Inspirations
This game merges two passion projects; the whimsical Apothecaria and the reflective Beast Fables. Our goal when writing this game is to inspire complex stories, with all the highs and lows of a cross country road trip. The aim of Apawthecaria is not to ‘win’, but to uncover stories that speak to you.When writing this game, these pieces of media were in our hearts:
Shows. Little Witch Academia, Avatar (The Last Airbender & Legend of Korra), Tuca & Bertie, Steven Universe
Games. Stardew Valley, Ghost of a Tale, Journey, FTL: Faster Than Light, The Banner Saga
Books. Redwall, Watership Down, Equal Rites, The Wee Free Men, The Amazing Maurice and his Educated Rodents, The Worst Witch
Graphic Novels. The Beechwood Helm, Wolvendaughter, Saga, On A Sun Beam

Legal Information
This document is a public preview and not reflective of a final product.No part of this publication can be reproduced or transmitted in any form (except excerpts for review purposes) without written permission from the publisher.All written works in this document are copyright Brian Tyrrell & Dungeons on a Dime, and Anna Blackwell & Blackwell Games.
You're sitting by the side of a well-trodden road, surrounded by twisting oak trees and the trilling of work shanties from songbirds in the branches overhead. A strong breeze hassles rain clouds away and over the horizon, allowing dappling shafts of sunlight to flit through the oaks’ canopy above.Nearby a puddle ripples with anticipation -- look into its depths, and find out who you are.

Who Are You?
Beasts of all shapes and sizes live in the Bristley Woods. The smaller live amongst the bigger, helping each other to survive and thrive. Together they can fend off the Behemoths that cast long shadows across the wooded landscape.Draw from the deck, or choose one of the following beast descriptors.
Card | Descriptor & Example Animals |
Ace | Aquatic. Beavers, Dippers, Newts, Frogs |
2 | Melodic. Finches, Doves, Tits, Swallows, Jays |
3 | Burrowing. Badgers, Hares, Hedgehogs, Moles |
4 | Playful. Crows, Skylarks, Swifts, Otters |
5 | Befurred. Squirrels, Shrews |
6 | Bescaled. Slow Worms, Adders |
7 | Clawed. Forest Cats, Kestrels, Weasels |
8 | Sun-loving. Stoats, Lizards, Seagulls |
9 | Star-dancing. Bats, Foxes, Rats |
10 | Mud-dwelling. Corncrakes, Toads |
Jack | Unnoticed. Mice, Dunnocks, Little Owls, Voles |
Monarch | Majestic. Capercaillie, Grouse, Pine Martens, Muntjac Deer, |
How Do You Travel?
There are many important qualities a beast can have. In Apawthecaria, the two most relevant characteristics of your beast are Speed and Carry.Carry determines how many tools and spare reagents you can take with you, while Speed affects how far you can travel as you move around the Bristley Woods.Draw from the deck, or choose one of the following character styles. Record your Move and Carry scores on your character sheet.
Suit | Style | Description |
Heart | Slow and Steady. Speed 2, Carry 4 | Plodding pleasantly, and taking in the sights |
Diamond or Spade | Rambling and Ready. Speed 3, Carry 3 | Prepared, eager for a long hike over mountains and around lochs |
Club | Fast and Heady. Speed 4, Carry 2 | Darting through the underbrush, flitting through trees, heedless of danger |
Unavailable in Alpha | Swift and Soaring. Speed 5, Carry 1 - Can Soar | Wide wings and sturdy gliders catch swirling updrafts |
How Did You Start Out?
Beasts such as us are practically minded. Our origins aren’t often with idle dreams, but with actions. Who or what first helped you onto your path as a Poulticepounder?Journal about your origin. Draw from the table below if you need inspiration.
Suit | Origin |
Heart | Inspired by a passing Poulticier, and the impression they left on you. |
Diamond | Recruited to help find reagents for an elderly Poulticepounder. |
Club | In need of treatment after a run-in with a bloodthirsty beast. |
Spade | In need of treatment after an accident that was pretty much your fault. |

Journeys can be long and lonely experiences. Many Poulticepounders bring along a friend or write to a pen pal as a way of keeping their spirits high.In the full game, you will be able to bring a Familiar with you on your Journey or write to one whenever you enter a Settlement or City.This Familiar won't just be a trusted friend, but also an invaluable ally who will help you create remedies and navigate the dangers of the wild.
The Guild
You are a member of the Poulticepounders, a loose association of beasts who cure.They forage for strange reagents, brew curious teas, and wander the Bristley Woods as often as they settle in it. The actions of any one Poulticepounder can change the reputation of the guild as a whole- for better or worse.
Reputation Score & Level
The guild’s Reputation is tracked with a score that can rise and fall as the consequence of your actions.The Guild’s Reputation score starts at 5 on your first journey.
Gaining And Losing Reputation
In Apawthecaria, you can pass the mantle and play as many different characters. However, the Guild’s Reputation Score remains consistent across all journeys.As the score reaches certain thresholds, new ailments, tools and story options will unlock for all Poulticepounders.
Reputation Score | Reputation Level |
0+ | Unknown |
10+ | Established |
20+ | Upstanding |
30+ | Trusted |
All professionals carry with them tools of their trade, and Poulticepounders are no different.You can hold as much Weight as your Carry stat.
These are special ingredients with curative properties. Reagents usually contain enough for use in a single remedy and have a Weight of 1.
You use Tools to prepare different remedies and forage for reagents. Tools come with special rules (such as how they help you, and how much they weigh). All Poulticepounders start with the following tools:
A Mortar and Pestle (Weight 0). Used to [GRIND/CRUSH] reagents.
A Camp Kettle (Weight 0). Great for warming brews by the side of the road.
An Obsidian Knife (Weight 0). Used to gather reagents.
The Bristley Woods knows no currency- instead, beasts trade in favours, stories. When you help beasts on your journey, you will most likely receive Trinkets from them, which you can use in the future to upgrade your tools, barter for reagents and complete special story events.Trinkets do not have a Weight, and do not affect how much you can Carry.When you receive any number of trinkets, Journal about one of them. You can draw on the Trinkets Table in the Almanac for inspiration.You start your first journey with a single trinket of your own.Journal about what this trinket means to you.
Embarking on
Poulticepounders are rarely stationary. The requirements of their profession pull them into dew-laden fields, through dark forests and atop wind-swept peaks. Their patients are equally as far-flung, living in isolated communities in treetop towns and rootbound villages. Therefore, it makes the most sense for Poulticepounders to undertake a grand journey every season that brings them on a full tour of the Bristley Woods.
Understanding Journeys
Journeys are broken down into the following pieces of information:
Origin. Where your journey first starts.
Season. What time of year you are travelling in. This will affect what you can forage.
Destination. Where you are travelling to.
Reason. Why you are travelling to your destination.
Goal. An optional task to accomplish on your Journey, usually before you reach your destination.
Urgency. How quickly you need to complete this Journey. Urgency is measured with a Journey Timer.
In the full game, you will be able to chart your own journeys around the Bristley Woods, with your own story evolving over the passing seasons.For this public Alpha, you can choose from a selection of curated journeys instead.
Taking Your Time
Each Journey comes with a set Journey Timer. It will decrease as you move around the Bristley Woods, and certain events can cause it to fall further.If this timer reaches 0, your Journey isn't over. Continue moving towards your final Destination, but bear in mind that the conclusion of your story may have an unexpected or negative outcome.

A - Setting Roots
What’s good for the goose, is also good for the geese! Without your fellow Poulticiers, you could never have gotten as far as you have as fast as you have. It’s your turn to uphold your Guild’s good standing in the woods.
Origin. The Forest City of Odoak.
Season. Spring.
Destination. The shaded boughs of Parsley Nook.
Reason. Responsibility ~ it is your duty as a Poluticepounder to grow trust in the guild.
Goal. End your journey with 5 more Reputation than when you started.
Urgency. Relaxed ~ Set your Journey Timer to 12.
B - A Collaborative Effort
A curious Stitcher has asked that you sketch the ailments of your patients while on your regular tour of the Bristley Woods so that they can better understand the diverse anatomy of the woods’ beasts.
Origin. The Forest City of Odoak.
Season. Spring.
Destination. The open meadows of Willow Moot.
Reason. Knowledge ~ by sharing the folk remedies of the Poulticiers with other guilds, the beasts of the Bristley Woods can flourish.
Goal. Resolve at least 2 ailments that require [SCALE], [FEATHER] or [FUR].
Urgency. Relaxed ~ Set your Journey Timer to 12.
C - Wounds Across The Water
Something severe has happened, and a beast is in dire need. However you make it to your journey’s end, you need to find something that will guide this patient from the roads Elsewhere, or otherwise ease their passage.
Origin. The Forest City of Odoak.
Season. Spring.
Destination. The secluded glade of Pinesworth.
Reason. Injury ~ what greater purpose do the Poulticepounders have, but to help? You have been called to action, and must respond.
Goal. Bring a reagent you can prepare to provide [WOUND or INFECTION ⁂] or [SLEEP ⁑].
Urgency. Important ~ Set your Journey Timer to 9.
As a Poulticepounder, you know the different signs and symptoms of Ailments that afflict the beasts in your community.Ailments are recorded in the Almanac. Each entry contains information that you will use at different steps of play.
Name. This is what the beasts commonly call this problem.
Severity. Ailments are organised into 4 levels of severity; Minor, Moderate, Severe and Dire. As the Guild’s Reputation grows, you will be called upon to resolve more severe ailments in your travels.
[TAGS] Each ailment comes with a short scenario description and a set of [TAGS] that sum up the problem.
Potency. Each [TAG] has a Potency rating: minor (٭), moderate (⁑) and dire (⁂)
Timers. Ailments may come with a Timer. If you fail to create your Remedy before the Timer runs out, you will suffer the Consequences.
Outcomes. Special scenarios to follow if you meet their stated conditions.
Consequences. Negative scenarios, usually suffered by not creating a remedy for this ailment in time.
Example Ailment - Paw Rot
Minor ~ [INFECTION *] [PAW ⁑] ~ Timer 6
After walking one too many days on sodden soil, the webbing in-between this beast's paws is itchy and swollen. Something applied regularly every day for a few weeks should clear it up…Outcome: If the remedy is PRESERVED - with this long-lasting unguent, this infection can be treated reliably when it shows up again. Next time you come through this location, gain 1 trinket from a grateful patient.Consequence: While a minor issue on its own, this beast is rather popular. Who else have they spread their Paw Rot to? The next time you visit this location, the only ailment you can try to resolve is Paw Rot.
The Bristley Woods are full of curatives that you can grind, chew and brew into remedies for different ailments. Like Ailments, you can find these Reagents recorded in the Almanac with their own special information:
Name. This is what the beasts commonly call this reagent.
Rarity. How difficult this reagent is to find, ranging from a minimum of 1 to a maximum of 10. The higher the number, the more difficult it is.
Type. The origin of the reagent. There are five reagent types (Plant, Beast, Insect, Earth, and Titan). Different tools or companions can make a type easier to forage for.
Regions. Where the reagent can be found. Some reagents are easier to forage for in some regions, and harder to find in others. There are six regions; Forest, Meadow, Bog, Loch, Mountain and Titan.
Seasons. When this reagent is easiest to find. There are four seasons: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.
Out of Season. When reagents aren’t in season, increase their Rarity by 3.
Frostbitten. During Winter, any Plant or Insect reagents that aren’t in season cannot be foraged for.
Seasonless. Some reagents, like Clay, are seasonless. They are available all year round and aren’t affected by the changing seasons.
Description. What beasts commonly know about this reagent.
Preparation Methods. Which methods extract curative properties from this reagent. Different preparation methods can help soothe the symptoms of an ailment’s [TAGS]. Some reagents have versatile properties and use, while others are specific (but often very powerful!)
Foul and Fair. Whether the reagent improves the quality of a remedy or sours it. Foul and Fair cancel each other and affect the trinkets you can trade the remedy for.
What Can I Prepare?
All Poulticepounders have access to these preparation methods, and can purchase new tools to access more:
[Grind / Crush] - A strong arm with a Mortar and Pestle can unlock special properties.
[Boil / Brew] - Fresh water and your trusty Camp Kettle can do wonders.
[Raw / Apply] - Used without alteration.
[Chew / Digest] - Turned into something new through the alchemy of saliva and stomach acid.
Example Reagent - Goosegrass
Goosegrass | PLANT| Forest (3) -- Meadow (2) | Spring
An interminable nuisance for furry beasts, the difficulty isn’t in finding this Reagent but in removing it from whoever it’s stuck to!
Shoots can be APPLIED as a fine comb for [FUR ٭] and [PARASITE ٭]
Seeds can be CRUSHED and BREWED for [SLEEP ٭]
an ailment
As you travel across the Bristley Woods, you will earn food, shelter and supplies from the beasts you meet in exchange for helping them with their problems.To do this you need to identify what is wrong, by establishing who the patient is, what symptoms they have, which local reagents could help, and finally setting a timer to complete your remedy before.

1 - Who Is The Patient?
Draw twice from the deck to find out who your patient is.In the full game, you will have access to a whole host of tables to generate patients from, ready for you to pick and choose as you like!
Card | Descriptor | Personality |
Ace | Aquatic | Quick-witted and passionate. |
2 | Melodic | Softly spoken and stoic. |
3 | Burrowing | Fury prone, and also oblivious. |
4 | Playful | Joyful, despite deep sorrow. |
5 | Befurred | Immaterial, full of daydreams. |
6 | Bescaled | Suspicious and curious. |
7 | Clawed | Loud, disguising softness. |
8 | Sun-loving | Radiant and energetic. |
9 | Star-dancing | Cool and collected. |
10 | Mud-dwelling | Underwhelmed by everything. |
Jack | Unnoticed | Anxious of the unknown. |
Monarch | Majestic | Keen to establish boundaries. |
2 - How Serious Is The Issue?
Draw from the deck to find out how severe the ailment is.If your result is above the Reputation level of the Poulticepounders, instead take the highest level of responsibility you can handle.
Suit | Reputation | Severity |
Heart | Unknown | Minor |
Diamond | Established | Intermediate |
Club | Upstanding | Severe |
Spade | Trusted | Dire |
3 - What Are The Symptoms?
Draw from the Deck and consult the relevant Ailment Severity table in the Pounder’s Almanac.In the full game, there will be over 50 exciting ailments for you to face, with consequences ranging from minor inconvenience to so ground-shaking, they permanently change the forest you will play in.
4 - Research Reagents
Note down your current location and any locations that are adjacent (linked by a single path). For each of your ailment’s [TAGS], go through the Almanac and find any reagents with the same [TAGS] and equal or greater potencies.Each of the Ailment’s [TAGS] needs to be addressed by at least one reagent. A reagent will have to be gathered twice if you plan to prepare it for two different [TAGS].Reagents that can be prepared for [a TAG] and [a second TAG] can satisfy both tags with a single gathering.
5 - Write Your List
On your list, write down the reagents’ names, and rarities. Then, make adjustments to each reagent’s rarity depending on any modifiers given from your local and adjacent Regions, the current Season, and any Tools, Companions or Familiars that are helping you.When writing your list, the highest rarity a reagent can have (including modifiers) is 13.
6 - Set The Timer
Lastly, make a note of the ailment’s timer. If there isn’t one, set the timer to 13.
With your patient’s ailment identified, and your list grasped firmly in your paw, you are ready to go foraging for reagents!As you forage you will choose locations to search for reagents, drawing from the deck to see how successful you are. As you find reagents and accrue foraging points, you will also have to resolve foraging encounters that change depending on the region you are in and the current season. The timer will change as you forage and resolve events.

1 - Choose A Location
To start foraging, choose a location to forage in. You can forage in your Current location, or in an Adjacent location that is linked by a single unbroken path.
2 - Draw From The Deck
With your location locked in, draw a card from the deck and set it to the side.
3 - Forage
Compare the value of the card to the reagents.
If it is of equal or greater value than a reagent on your list, you can gather that reagent.
If the card’s value is too low to gather a reagent, gain 1 Foraging Point instead.
If the card’s value is too low, but your Foraging Points are equal to or greater than the Rarity of a reagent, get that reagent.
4 - Encounter
After foraging, compare the same card to the encounter table of the region you are in. Follow the instructions of your card’s entry.
5 - Check Bags
After completing an encounter, if you have foraged enough reagents you can move on to creating a remedy.
6 - Decrease Timer
If you cannot create a remedy after an encounter, instead of decrease the Timer dependant on where you foraged:
Current Location: Decrease by 1
Adjacent Location: Decrease by 2
Continue choosing locations to forage in for reagents, accruing foraging points and completing encounters.If the timer reaches 0, you should Prepare To Leave.

Little settlements and thriving cities dot the landscape of the Bristley Woods. Here, beasts of all shapes and sizes work together to make life easier for one another.In the full game, their pantries and markets will be an invaluable source of off-season and far away reagents.
Creating a remedy
Once you have enough correct reagents, you can create a remedy.Review your ailment and your reagent’s different preparation requirements.Create a recipe for your remedy, record it in your Journal, and write about the process of inventing or repeating this recipe.If all of your current ailments have a remedy prepared to solve them, you can begin Preparing to Leave. Otherwise, go back to Foraging or Bartering for more reagents.

Something Unexpected!
You can draw on the following tables for scene prompts and inspiration when journaling your remedies.
Card | Something Good |
Heart | Took less time than expected. |
Diamond | The conditions were perfect for a certain process. |
Club | Leftover reagents were put to extra use. |
Spade | That was certainly easier than last time! |
Card | Something Bad |
Heart | Your clothes smell overwhelmingly of the reagents used. |
Diamond | The first remedy was spilt, so another had to be prepared. |
Club | You’re sore all over from preparing the reagents. |
Spade | Tools were an absolute mess afterwards. |
Card | Something Exciting |
Heart | An unexpected visitor came to help. |
Diamond | Followed a deviation from the usual recipe. |
Club | The remedy went pop- it wasn’t meant to do that! |
Spade | It certainly shouldn’t look like that, but it should work... |
to leave
When you have concluded your business at a location (or have outstayed your welcome), you can
prepare to leave. Set your Foraging Points to 0, and complete the actions in this list as relevant.

1 - Trading Remedies
If you have successfully created a remedy for your patient’s ailment, they will reward your hard work with trinkets from their own collection.
Trading. When trading a remedy, you receive 1 trinket per difficulty level of the ailment.
Foul and Fair. You receive one additional trinket for every two points of Fair a remedy has, and receive one trinket fewer for every two points of Foul. Foul and Fair cancel each other out. You cannot receive less than 0 trinkets.
Gifting. You can choose to receive no payment for a remedy, and instead increase the guild’s reputation by 2.
2 - Building Rapport
Successfully treating an ailment will raise the guild’s reputation by 1 point per difficult level of the ailment.For example, a Serious ailment raises the guild’s reputation by 3 points.
3 - Resolving Outcomes
Some ailments have optional Outcomes. If you create a remedy that matches one of the criteria, follow its instructions when resolving that ailment.
4 - Scrounging
If you have any leftover time, you can Forage for extra ingredients to Carry with you. You can decrease your remaining Timers by:
to Forage as normal once in your Current Location
to Forage as normal once in an Adjacent location
to Automatically gain 1 ingredient from your Current Location (Max Potency ⁑)
to Automatically gain 1 ingredient from an Adjacent Location (Max Potency ⁑)
5 - Leftovers
If you have gathered any reagents with multiple uses, you may choose to carry the leftovers with you.
6 - Facing Consequences
If an ailment’s timer reaches 0 and you don’t have sufficient reagents to create a remedy, face the consequences of that ailment. If an ailment has no consequences, lose 1 reputation instead.
7 - Civilised Services
Whenever you leave a Settlement or City, you can browse the local markets and trade Trinkets for Tools and Upgrades. Check the Tools & Upgrades section of the Almanac for more details.In the full game, you will be able to hire the services of local Guilds whenever you are in Settlements or Cities to aid you on your way.
8 - Moving On
Once you have completed the relevant steps, you will be able to move to a new location on your Journey towards your destination.
Your map of the Bristley Woods is filled with Locations joined together by Paths. Each location is colour coded to show what kind of Region it is in. You Travel along these paths to a new location, completing a Travel Encounter depending on the region you move into. As you move towards your journey's destination, your Journey Timer will decrease, and a sense of urgency will grow!

You can use this restricted map of the Bristley Woods with the Alpha Playtesting Kit.The full map contains over 200 locations, 40 settlements and 6 customised cities for you to explore!

Each spot on the map that you can stop at is called a Location. There are four kinds of location:
Wilds. The open fields, dark forests and deep lochs that make up the Bristley Woods.
Settlements. Small villages and towns of cohabitating beasts. You can barter with the locals here, and swap gossip from the road.
Cities. These special places are filled to the brim with beasts of all shapes and sizes. Each city in the Bristley Woods has its own personality.
Titan Ruins. Ancient and abandoned by the mythical titans. These places are rife with danger but contain powerful tinctures and reagents only whispered about by Poulticepounders.

There are six Regions that summarise the kinds of landscape you will travel through. Each location is colour-coded to show which region it is:
Forest - Green. Thick with oak, ash and pine trees, and full of beasts and behemoths alike. Weaving paths often lead to long journeys.
Meadow - Yellow. Wide and open. Wheat and herbs flourish under the sun, but birds of prey make easy targets of tiny critters. Quick and direct to move through.
Mountain - Red. Covered in rocks, sturdy brush and slippery scree. Only specific routes allow for safe ascents and descents.
Bog - Purple. Waterlogged and deceptively deep, the wetlands are full of potent reagents and aquatic friends. Slow to move through, though mostly direct.
Loch (and River)- Blue. Rivers fed by mountain rains, swelling cold Lochs flourishing with fish. Can easily be foraged in, but cannot be travelled through without the proper tools.
Titan - Grey. Ancient barrows and curious devices have been left by massive precursors who used to dominate the landscape. Where they have gone is a mystery.
In the alpha, you will explore Forests, Meadows and Lochs, but the full game allows you to explore over 30 square kilometres of Scotland's landscape.

Locations are connected by Paths, which can be travelled in both directions. When two paths meet and form a junction, they count as a single path in either direction.

Waterways are special paths. They are blue with a small wavy line through them and connect to Loch region locations.You cannot end your movement in Loch locations unless you have special tools.The exception to this rule are Loch Settlements. Notice how the Loch settlement is connected by a Path to the Wild Meadow and Forest; residents have helpfully built bridges for travellers, allowing access to all beasts.
How To Move

When you are ready to leave your current location, you Move. You can travel along a number of paths equal to your Speed score, which is determined by your Travel Style and modified by certain tools, upgrades and events.In the example above, setting out from the Mountain City with a Speed of 3 you could stop in either of the Wild Meadows or the Meadow Settlement. The Wild Forests would be too far to reach in a single Move.Resupplying. After completing a move, you will need to stop at your location to resupply. Resolve a remedy to be able to move again.Swimming. You can cross along two waterways during a single move. However, you cannot stop in a Loch location, and any carried reagents you have will be ruined by the soaking and must be discarded.Travelling freely over the water is ‘loched’ off until you get a waterproof bag or bark coracle!
Travel Encounters
Each time you move into a location, you will encounter something new, exciting or dangerous.Wilds and Titan Ruins. Draw from the Travel Encounter table in the Almanac to find out what happens. The region you are travelling into and the current season will determine which tables you will use.Settlements and Cities. In the full game, settlements and cities will have their own custom encounter tables, to represent the diverse lifestyles in the Bristley Woods. For the alpha, instead, draw from the Wild Travel Encounter tables.Just like with Ailment Timers, each time you complete a Travel Encounter you should decrease your Journey Timer by 1.

In the full game, you will be able to travel through the Bristley Woods by Soaring, either by using your own wings or contraptions or by hiring the services of friendly eagles.Soaring is both freeing and highly dangerous. There is nowhere to hide in the sky, and birds of prey hunt for a quick lunch.
Ending a
Your paws have trodden many paths, and your almanac has been thoroughly thumbed for all manner of ailments, reagents and potent remedies. It's been hard work, but you've finally reached your destination. What next?
In this final stage of the game, take time to reflect on your previous journal entries. Consider the questions ahead, and conclude your Journey.

The Last Stop
When you complete your last travel encounter and arrive at your final destination, do not move on to diagnosing an ailment and foraging for reagents.Instead, consider these questions:
Did you arrive in time? If not, how has this affected your reason for travelling in the first place?
Did you complete your goal? If so, what was the outcome? If not, what fallout could you expect to see?
Has anything happened on your Journey that could affect your original reason for embarking on it?
Do you believe your time was spent wisely?
Would you do anything differently?
Significant Outcomes
If you think any of the answers to the previous prompts would have a significant impact on your future journeys as a Poulticepounder, you may choose to follow one or more of these outcomes.
Outcome | Changes | |
Trust and Shame | Alter the Guild's Reputation to reflect a change in beast's trust in the guild. | Increase or decrease by 1 for a minor change, 3 for a moderate change and 5 for a major change. |
Reward and Recompense | Material goods will never have a value equal to that of life, but they can be used to express gratitude and soften losses. | Gain or lose 1 trinket for a minor outcome, 3 for a moderate outcome, or 5 for a major outcome. |
Connection | Our ability to reach out to one another is the foundation of all relationships. | Add or remove a new Path or Waterway between two suitable Locations for a moderate outcome. |
Community | The actions of the few can affect the many. | Permanently add or remove a suitable Wilds location from the map for moderate outcome or a Settlement for a major outcome. |
Downtime & Relaxation
You will no doubt be tired after reaching your destination and resolving your goals.In the full game, in the downtime between journeys, you will be able to commission new wagons, establish clinics across the Bristley Woods, and take time to recover from your trip. There are cities to explore, beasts to meet, and winters to hibernate through.Your responsibilities and a sense of wanderlust will always call you back to the road. However, right now you can relax and enjoy all the pleasures the woods and its changing seasons can offer.

Friends Old and New
After completing a journey in the full game, you will be able to reunite with beasts you have met in your travels, bringing them with you as Familiars on your adventures.
New Horizons
In the full version of Apawthecaria, your journeys across the Bristley Woods can span seasons and multiple Poulticepounders.For now, you can restart with a different journey back at Odoak.
As a Poulticepounder, you know the different signs and symptoms of Ailments that afflict the beasts in your community.
Card | Ailment | Tags | Timer |
A | Firstfever | [INFECTION ٭], [SLEEP ٭] and [TEMPERATURE ٭] | 7 |
2 | Dullsweats | [BREATH ٭] [SENSES٭] [JOY ٭] | 6 |
3 | Anxious Scratching | [MOOD ⁑] and [FUR/FEATHER/SCALE ٭] | 7 |
4 | Forge Clawed | [BURN ٭] and [WOUND ٭] | 4 |
5 | Safety Stench | [SCENT ⁑] and [NERVES/INSTINCT ٭] | 10 |
6 | Waen Drops | [PAIN ⁑] and minimum [Fair 3] | 8 |
7 | Paw Rot | [INFECTION ٭] [PAW ٭] | 4 |
8 | Tickbitten | [FUR ⁑] [PARASITE ٭] | 8 |
9 | Fond Farewell | [ELSEWHERE ٭] [JOY ٭] | 4 |
10 | Sunstuck | [SLEEP ٭], [SENSES ⁑] and [FEATHER/HIDE ٭] | 8 |
J | The Runs | [STOMACH ٭] [POISON ٭] [PARASITE ٭] | 8 |
M | Monthly Chore | [SCALES ⁑] [PAIN ٭] | 6 |

Minor Ailments
A - Firstfever
Minor ~ [TEMPERATURE ٭] [INFECTION ٭] [SLEEP ٭] ~ Timer 7
A mild enough disease that many cubs and kits catch. Having fought it off they gain immunity to many more dangerous fevers they could contract later in life. Many parents host 'fever partys', to promote herd immunity.
2 - Dullsweats
Minor ~ [BREATH ٭] [SENSES٭] [JOY ٭] ~ Timer 6
After too long spent burrowed under sweaty blankets away from the world, this beast is looking to set themselves back onto a happier path. They want something to clear their nose, open their eyes, and lift their spirits.
3 - Anxious Scratching
Minor ~ [MOOD ⁑] and [FUR ٭] or [FEATHER ٭] or [SCALE ٭] ~ Timer: 7
Something has this beast under a tremendous amount of stress and they’ve started to moult uncontrollably.Consequence: The beast moults completely. What physical or social pressures do they face now? Lose 1 Reputation.
4 - Forge Clawed
Minor ~ [BURN ٭] and [WOUND ٭] ~ Timer: 4
Whether working directly on hot metal or simply in the wrong place at the wrong time, this beast has been speckled with hot sparks. Small angry burns cover their pelt, and the hide underneath is exposed. A simple poultice should do the trick.Consequence: The beast leaves their burns untended, and in your absence they become infected. Now they weep with puss, and may even scar. Lose 1 Reputation.
5 - Safety Stench
Minor ~ [SCENT ⁑] and [NERVES ٭] or [INSTINCT ٭] ~ Timer 10
A beast wants to ward off all unwanted company by making the entrance of their barrow stink of something frightening, like a giant behemoth.Consequence: The Titans had an apt phrase; ‘Hell is other people’. How does this irate beast lash out at passersby? Lose 1 Reputation.
6 - Waen Drops
Minor ~ [PAIN ⁑] and minimum [Fair 3] ~ Timer: 8
This beast’s litter are all old enough to start teething in their big fangs, and they whinge constantly about the ache. This tired parent wants something that will soothe their jaws a little, and distract the ankle-biters, if only for an hour or two.Consequence: An infectious case of whinging has spread from the little beasts to their parents. Lose 2 Reputation as they gossip about you at the market.
7 - Paw Rot
Minor ~ [INFECTION *] [PAW ⁑] ~ Timer 6
After walking one too many days on sodden soil, the webbing in-between this beast's paws is itchy and swollen. Something applied regularly every day for a few weeks should clear it up…Outcome: If the remedy is PRESERVED - with this long-lasting unguent, this infection can be treated reliably when it shows up again. Next time you come through this location, gain 1 trinket from a grateful patient.Consequence: While a minor issue on its own, this beast is rather popular. Who else have they spread their Paw Rot to? The next time you visit this location, the only ailment you can try to resolve is Paw Rot.
8 - Tickbitten
Minor ~ [FUR ⁑] [PARASITE ٭] ~ Timer : 8
These parasites aren’t so bad if you get them early but removing them incorrectly can lead to all manner of diseases and infections. Always remember to do a tick check after being out in long grass!Consequence: The ticks have jumped ship, and are now bothering everyone in the village. What gossip is spreading about your patient?Mark the nearest Settlement. When you next pass through, instead of drawing you must solve two cases of Tickbitten with concurrent timers.
9 - Fond Farewell
Minor ~ [ELSEWHERE ٭] [JOY ٭] - Timer: 4
Johnny Hop-legs the Third, esteemed pet grasshopper and treasured friend, has journeyed on Elsewhere. A litter of saddened cubs want to hold a wake.Consequence: With no ceremony to commemorate their friend’s passing, what memories of Johnny Hop-legs the Third will fade as these young cubs grow up?
10 - Sunstuck
Minor ~ [SLEEP ٭] [SENSES ⁑] and [FEATHER ٭] or [HIDE ٭] ~ Timer: 8
This hardworking Moonmessenger, normally nocturnal, has been flying extra messages during the day. They need a soothing tonic to help get their circadian rhythm back to normal.Consequences: “Don’t fly tired!”- if only this messenger had listened to their basic training. Write about a mistake they made on the job. Lose 1 Reputation.
J - The Runs
Minor ~ [STOMACH ٭] [POISON ٭] [PARASITE ٭] ~ Timer: 8
After wantonly drinking from random puddles, this patient can’t keep something from rushing right out the other end after eating. The beast’s partner wants some medicine to clear up their sickness (with a regrettable flavour to teach this puddle drinker a lesson).
If [Foul 1] or less - Quickly swallowed and fast acting, your patient is cured of their stomach troubles (but not their taste for earthy puddles). Receive trinkets, but suffer the Consequences.
If [Foul 2] or more - Gut health restored, this puddle drinker will look twice at their water sources in the future. Earn 1 trinket for each point of [Foul], instead of losing trinkets.
Consequences: Puddle drinking was just the start. Poor hygiene and a disregard for dirt are in this beast’s future.Mark the nearest Settlement. Next time you arrive at this location, instead of drawing you must resolve the intermediate ailment Woeful Waters.
M - Monthly Chore
Minor ~ [SCALES ⁑] [PAIN ٭] ~ Timer: 6
This lizard is rubbing up against every hard surface they can find to soothe the itching of their scales. It’s almost time for them to shed, but if they can’t find a way of soothing it soon they may rub the new skin underneath raw.Consequences: There are flakes of dead skin everywhere, and the lizard is too sore to clean up. You can stay to help clean (reducing your Speed to 1 for your next Travel), or slink off and Lose 1 Reputation.
These are special ingredients with curative properties. Reagents usually contain enough for use in a single remedy and have a Weight of 1. The section is a list of all forageable reagents in the Alpha Playtest.In the full game, there will be hundreds of reagents ranging from mundane to truly alien for you to pound into poultices!For these many reagents, there will also be comprehensive and efficient tables to quickly find the reagent you're looking for!

Ingredient | Meadow | Loch | Forest | Seasons | TAGS |
Animal Sheddings | 3 | 3 | 3 | Sp | Stomach, Hide, Feather |
Big Fish | - | 7 | - | Sp, Au | Mood, F/C/P, Scent |
Behemoth Droppings | 8 | 8 | 8 | Su, Wi | Scent, Instinctt, Senses, Temp |
Bird Leavings | 4 | 4 | 4 | Sp, Au | Poison, Scale, Hide, Elsewhere |
Frog Slime | - | 5 | - | Sp, Au | Infection, Parasite |
Small Fish | - | 5 | - | Sp, Au | F/C/P, Hide, Scale |
Toad Venom | - | 10 | - | Sp, Au | Foul, Senses |
Animal Sheddings
BEAST | All Regions (3) | Spring
One beast's sheddings can be another beast's treasures. The best time to forage for old matter is in spring when new coats grow in and the forest floor is cool but dry.
Pellets can be CHEWED for [STOMACH ٭]
Hair can be BOILED for [HIDE ٭]
Claws can be CRUSHED for [FEATHER ⁑]
Big Fish
BEAST | Loch (7) | Spring and Autumn
Wide tailed and long of body, many varieties of larger fish swim in the depths of the Bristley Woods' waterways. Salmon, Trouts and Pike are just some of them.
Flesh can be COOKED to extract rich fats for [MOOD ⁑]
Bones can be CUT to fine tweezers for [FANG/CLAW/PAW ⁂]
Hide can be dried and then APPLIED for [SCENT ⁑]
Behemoth Droppings
BEAST | All Regions (8) | Summer and Winter
Wolves, bears, herds of deer- the behemoths of the Bristley Woods are too large to care about the whims of smaller beasts. They eat who they like and trample where they please. That isn’t to say that an opportunistic Poulticepounder can’t find some use for them...
Musk can be BOILED for [SCENT ⁑], and DISTILLED
Urine can be APPLIED for [INSTINCT ⁑] and [SENSES ⁑]
Shed Fur can be APPLIED for [TEMPERATURE ⁂]
Bird Leavings
BEAST | All Regions (4) | Summer
When you fly everywhere, one can be a little careless with what is left behind. Bird’s especially!
Guano can be DIGESTED for [POISON ٭]
Egg shells can be CRUSHED for [SCALE ٭] or CHEWED for [Hide ⁑]
Bright feathers can be APPLIED for [JOY ٭] or [ELSEWHERE ⁑]
Frog Slime
BEAST | Loch (5) - Bog (7) | Spring and Autumn
Not exactly a secret, but more of an impolite thing to mention; frogs secrete a slime that is effective at suppressing diseases and deterring ticks from their prefered aquatic domiciles. It’s always a little awkward asking to scrape one down.
Slime can be APPLIED directly for [INFECTION ⁑] and [PARASITE ⁑]
Frogs can be found in all seasons in Loch region settlements.
Small Fish
BEAST | Loch (5) | Spring and Autumn
Loach, Minnows, Chubs and Graylings are just some of the sleek freshwater fish that can be found in the rivers and Lochs of the Bristley Woods. Their tiny darting forms are highly sought after by Herons and Dippers alike.
Bones can be CRUSHED into a fine polish for [FANG/PAW/CLAW ⁑]
Scales can be BREWED to extract an oil for [HIDE ٭] or [SCALE ⁑], and can be DISTILLED
Toad Venom
BEAST | Loch (10) - Bog 7) | Spring and Autumn
Until very recently, toads have isolated themselves from the other beasts of the woods. The venom they emit when stressed tastes vile, and when ingested causes victims to froth at the mouth and go numb, or delirious in severe cases.
Venom can be APPLIED directly for [Foul 3] and [Senses ٭]
Venom can be DISTILLED, and then APPLIED for [Foul 7], but adds [Senses ⁂] as a requirement to the current Ailment.
Toads can be found in all seasons in Loch region settlements.
Ingredient | Meadow | Loch | Forest | Seasons | TAGS |
Clay | - | 5 | 9 | x | Stomach, Poison |
Dense Charcoal | 7 | - | 4 | x | Poison, Elsewhere |
Fine Sand | - | 7 | - | x | Scales |
EARTH | Forest (9) - Bog (3) - Loch (5) | Seasonless
Dense and heavy, most beasts fire this in kilns to make pottery. Only Poulticepounders know of its more immediate properties...
Can be used RAW for [STOMACH ٭] and [POISON ٭]
Dense Charcoal
EARTH | Forest (4) - Meadow (7) | Seasonless
Beavers like to set up kilns in clearings near their rivers, burning spare branches from their lodge-building to make this versatile resource. It can also be found in the wild, where behemoths have made camp.
Charcoal can be CRUSHED for [POISON ⁑] or used RAW for [ELSEWHERE ⁑].
Fine Sand
EARTH | Loch (7) - Mountain (10) | Seasonless
Washed of silt and dirt, these tiny grains of silica are great for filtering remedies and removing impurities from liquids.
Can be BOILED to remove all points of [Foul] and [Fair] from a remedy. After using Fine Sand in this way for a remedy, draw from the deck. If your card was from a Red suit, you can choose to keep this reagent instead of using it up.
Can be used RAW for [SCALES ⁂]
Ingredient | Meadow | Loch | Forest | Seasons | TAGS |
Beehive | 8 | - | 11 | All | Stomach, Fair, Wound, Hide, Feather, Burn |
Beetles | 4 | - | 3 | Sp, Su, Au | Scales |
Honey Bees | 3 | - | 5 | Sp, Su, Au | Stomach |
Maggots | 9 | - | 6 | Sp, Su | Infection, Wound |
Slugs | 5 | - | 7 | Sp, Su, Au | Fair |
Spiders | 5 | - | 3 | Sp, Su, Au | Wound |
Wasps | 4 | - | 5 | Sp, Su, Au | Parasite |
INSECT | Forest (11) - Meadow (8) | All Seasons
Made from chewed bark, this natural hive contains a busy colony of honey bees. They can be aggressive if startled, but slow measured movements and a little woodsmoke will facilitate safe harvesting.
Royal Jelly be eaten RAW for [STOMACH ⁑]
Honey can be added RAW for [Fair 4], or applied RAW with a cloth dressing for [WOUND ⁑]
Wax can be BOILED for [HIDE ⁑] or [FEATHER ⁑] or [BURN ⁑]
INSECT | Forest (3) - Meadows (4) - Mountain (6) - Bog (4) | Spring, Summer and Autumn
Stout, with shiny carapaces and strong mandibles, they eat detritus from the forest floor and love dark, damp places they can hide in.
Shells can be GROUND and then BOILED to create an oil for [SCALES ⁑]
Honey Bees
INSECT | Forest (5) - Meadow (3) - Bog (7) | Spring, Summer and Autumn
All-female, these fuzzy workers can be seen swooping from flower to flower as they collect nectar for their hive.
Pollen can be eaten RAW for [STOMACH ٭]
INSECT | Forest (6) - Meadow (9) - Bog (4) | Spring and Summer
Flies like to lay their eggs on rotting carcases and piles of waste. Gathering maggots before they hatch is a grim endeavour, with suitably potent rewards.
Can be applied RAW to an injury for [INFECTION ⁂] and [WOUND ⁂] but adds
[NERVES ⁑] and [INSTINCT ⁑] requirements to your current Ailment.
INSECT | Forest (7) - Meadow (5) - Bog (3) - Mountain (7) | Spring, Summer and Autumn
A favourite of frogs and toads, these slow-moving livestock are ideal for equally patient herders.
Slugs can be COOKED for [Fair 2]
INSECT | Forest (3) - Meadow (5) - Bog (7) - Mountain (9) | Spring, Summer and Autumn
Master spinner in their own right, spiders are a common pet kept by mice and voles. They help keep other insects out of their homes and like to live in the tall nooks and crannies these smaller beasts often struggle to reach.
Websilk can be applied RAW for [WOUND ٭]
INSECT | Forest (5) - Meadow (4) | Spring, Summer and Autumn
These insects are almost permanently in a foul mood, and only the Hivewardens with the strange pheromones seem to be able to tame them.
Wasp venom can be APPLIED for [PARASITE ⁑]
Ingredient | Meadow | Loch | Forest | Seasons | TAGS |
Beech | 7 | - | 5 | Sp, Wi | Hide, Fair |
Blackcurrant | 6 | - | 5 | Sp, Su | Fair, Infection |
Brambles | 6 | - | 7 | Su, Au | Fair, Stomach, Hide |
Burdock | 3 | - | 4 | All | Hide, Fair, Stomach |
Catnip | 7 | - | - | Sp, Au | Instinct, Nerves, Mood |
Chillies | 5 | - | 7 | Sp, Su | Nerves, Pain, Temperature, Foul |
Crab Apples | 6 | - | 6 | Au | Foul, Fair |
Dandelion | 2 | - | 4 | Sp, Su | Stomach, Wound, Joy |
Goosegrass | 2 | - | 4 | Sp, Su | Fur, Sleep |
Horse Chestnut | 4 | 6 | 5 | Au, Wi | Stomach, Joy, Elsewhere |
Lavender | 5 | - | 9 | Sp, Su | Sleep, Burn, Parasite |
Marigold | 2 | 5 | 5 | Su, Au | Fair, Burn |
Rhubarb | 2 | - | 5 | Sp, Su | Foul, Fair, Wound |
Ribwort | 3 | - | 6 | Sp, Su | Poison |
Strawberry | 4 | - | 6 | Au | Fair, Hide, Joy |
Tansies | 6 | - | 8 | Sp | Parasite, Instinct, Foul, Scent |
Wild Garlic | - | - | 2 | Su | Wound, Breath, Parasite |
Yellow Wort | 5 | - | 7 | Su | Mood, Stomach, Parasite |
PLANT | Forest (5) - Meadows (7) / Winter and Spring
A towering tree bearing tasty seedy nibbles, hidden within an outer brown shell.
Shells can be CRUSHED for [HIDE ⁑]
Nuts can be added RAW for [Fair 1]
PLANT | Forest (5) - Meadow (6) / Spring and Summer
In the height of summer, this shrub produces dark berries with a distinctly earthy flavour. Young cubs crave their sweetness, but Poulticepounders value the whole bush!
Berries can be COOKED for [Fair 2]
Leaves can be BREWED for [INFECTION ٭]
PLANT | Mountain (4) - Forest (7) - Meadow (6) | Summer and Autumn
Barbed canes shelter sweet clusters of sticky jewels that are perfect for baking fruit crumbles and creating fast remedies.
Berries can be added RAW for [Fair 2], or COOKED for [Fair 3].
Bark can be CHEWED, and Leaves can be BOILED for [STOMACH ٭]
Roots can be GROUND for [HIDE ٭]
PLANT | Forest (4) - Meadow (3) | All Seasons
More commonly called ‘Stray’s Pleasure’, burdock presents beautifully big leaves to shelter beneath during showers of rain, and its roots are delicious when sauteed with honey, similar to parsnips. A perfect treat for pastoral beasts.
Roots can be BOILED to produce oil for [HIDE ⁑]
(Spring only) Stems can be CHEWED for [Fair 1] and [STOMACH ٭]
(Summer through Winter) Stems can be BREWED for [Foul 2]
(Summer only) Flowers can be USED for [JOY ⁑]
(Autumn only) Burrs can be USED as a fine comb for [PARASITE ٭] and [FUR ٭]
PLANT | Meadow (7) - Mountains (9) | Spring and Autumn
A favourite among felines, this minty plant gives a sense of peace and relaxation when eaten ( at least, so the cats claim).
Roots can be CRUSHED for [INSTINCT ⁑] and [NERVES ٭]
Flowers can be BOILED for [MOOD ⁑]
Roots and Flowers can be DISTILLED, increasing potency by 1.
PLANT | Forest (7) - Meadows (5) - Titan (4) | Spring and Summer
A bright red plant from far off climes, these plants burn the mouth but ease aches and pains if applied correctly.
Membrane can be CRUSHED for [NERVES ٭] and [PAIN ٭], and can be DISTILLED
Seeds can be CRUSHED for [TEMPERATURE ٭] and [Foul 3], and DISTILLED
Crab Apples
PLANT | Forest (6) - Meadow (6) - Bog (5) -- Mountain (8) | Autumn
Highly acidic and very sour, these small-yet-plentiful fruits are a staple in the homes of farming beasts, as they help set jams and jellies.
Fruit can be USED in remedies for [Foul 1] and to PRESERVE it.
Fruit can be COOKED to add [Fair 1]
PLANT | Forest (4) - Meadow (2) - Bog (3) - Mountain (3) | Spring and Summer
A common sight in fields, meadows, hills and forests all across the Bristley Woods, and far beyond. These delicious flowers are well-loved for their many uses.
Roots can be BREWED for [STOMACH ٭]
Leaves and stems can be GROUND for [WOUND ٭] and HIDE [٭]
(Summer only) Flowers can be APPLIED for [JOY ٭]
PLANT| Forest (3) - Meadow (2) | Spring
An interminable nuisance for furry beasts, the difficulty isn’t in finding this Reagent but in removing it from whoever it’s stuck to!
Shoots can used RAW as a fine comb for [FUR ٭] and [PARASITE ٭]
Seeds can be CRUSHED and BREWED for [SLEEP ٭]
Horse Chestnut
PLANT | Forest (5) - Meadow (4) - Loch (6) | Autumn & Winter
These massive trees are a tried and trusted home to many birds and beasts. They also happen to drop delicious seeds, with spiky shells!
Chestnuts can be BOILED for [STOMACH ⁑]
Conkers can be USED to play games for [JOY ⁑]
Empty Husks can be USED for [ELSEWHERE ٭]
PLANT | Forest (9) - Meadow (5) | Spring & Summer
Fragrant when rubbed between claw and paw, this soporific shrub can be spotted easily for its purple flowers.
Flowers can be BOILED to extract an oil for [BURN ⁑], and can be DISTILLED
Petals can be CRUSHED for [SLEEP ⁑]
Full Stems can be woven into a wand and APPLIED for [PARASITE **]
Cannot be foraged in Autumn or Winter
PLANT | Forest (5) - Meadow (2) - Loch (5) - Mountain (4) | Summer & Autumn
Vibrantly yellow, these little flowers are flush with nectar that attracts bees, butterflies and other insects.
Flowers can be BREWED to create a delicate floral nectar, for [Fair 1], and can be DISTILLED
Petals and Leaves can be CRUSHED for [BURN ⁑]
**PLANT | Meadow (2) - Forest (5) - Mountain (5) | Spring & Summer **
An invasive weed to some, while a delicious perennial to others. Rhubarb's massive leaves and tart stalks make it a staple in many rural beast's larders.
Stems can be used RAW in edible remedies for [Foul 2], or if COOKED for [Fair 2] instead.
Fibres can be CHEWED and washed to create bindings for [WOUND ٭]
PLANT | Meadow (3) - Bog (2) - Forest (6) | Spring & Summer
Easily confused for simple grass, Ribwort anchors its short spikey green leaves using a long taproot. In the summer, brown flowers wave from their tallest stalks.
Leaves can be CHEWED for [POISON ٭]
Leaves can be DISTILLED
PLANT | Forest (6) - Meadow (4) - Bog (8) | Autumn
Small red diamonds with a fragrant scent that invokes a longing for blustery summer days. They flourish under the care of a farmer, but are so popular amongst foragers that they are hard to find in the wild.
Berries can be added RAW for [Fair 2], COOKED for [Fair 4], or CRUSHED for [HIDE ٭]
Flowers can be added RAW for [JOY ⁑]
Meadow (6) - Forest (8) - Loch (7) | Spring
A captivating sweet scent oozes from alluring button-like flowers, shielded by ferny foliage. Tansies are beautiful; but if mishandled, their toxic oils can kill.
Leaves can be CRUSHED for [PARASITE ⁑]
Leaves can be BREWED for [INSTINCT ⁑], and DISTILLED
Stems can be CHEWED for [Foul 4]
Flowers can be BREWED for [SCENT ⁑], and DISTILLED
Wild Garlic
PLANT | Forest (2) | Summer
Easy to find thanks to its incredible stench, Doughfellows love them but Poulticepounders know their true use is in cleaning the blood and clearing the lungs.
Garlic can be CRUSHED for [WOUND ٭] and [BREATH٭]
Garlic can be COOKED for [PARASITE ⁑]
Yellow Wort
PLANT | Meadow (5) - Forest (7) | Summer
Seemingly delicate, this flower thrives in rough chalky soil. Neighbouring Bee-orchids and Rock-roses, it is a favourite of moths and butterflies.
Leaves can be BOILED for [MOOD ⁑], and DISTILLED
Flowers can be BOILED for [STOMACH ٭] and [PARASITE ٭]
In the full game, all sorts of discarded titan relics await the paws of your Poulticepounders. Mysterious Firegizzards grow hot at a touch, Ironslugs can be squeezed for potent serums, and Hidelendings will hold together the direst of wounds.
Travel Encounters
Each time you move into a location, you will encounter something new, exciting or dangerous.
Which Tables To Draw From
When you need to resolve a Travel Encounter, use the Base Table of the Region you are moving into, and the Modifier Table of the current season. Complete the suggested action.E.G. Base (Forest) + Season (Forest, Spring)
Understanding Encounter Tables
Each encounter comes with up to three pieces of information:
Event. An overview of what is going on in a scene.
Questions. Prompts and opportunities for you to Journal about or otherwise expand the scene.
Actions. Mechanical outcomes for you to follow, depending on what you do in a scene. There may be multiple actions for you to chose from.
While all encounters will have an event, some may have only questions, only actions, or neither.

Card | Event | Questions | Actions |
A & 2 | A couple of beasts are having an argument at the side of the path. | Do you listen in, or respectfully give them space? Who is the gossip about? | Fangflapper - If you spread this gossip to another beast, gain 1 Reputation. |
3 & 4 | Bless your whiskers, feathers and/or scales! You’ve found something growing at the side of the path! | - | Greenpaw - Draw a card and collect a Forest PLANT Reagent with a Rarity equal to the card’s value. |
5 & 6 | Some beasts are crowded around a Titan artefact. They claim it fell out of a tree. | What does it look like? What do they do with it? | Secrets for Silver - Gain 2 Trinkets if you bring a sketch or piece of it to the Knowers, a guild of secretive magpies. |
7 & 8 | You come to a stop for the night and find some other beasts have made a little camp. They invite you to sit and share stories. | Where are they from? What stories do they tell you? |
Forest Travel in Spring
Card | Event | Questions | Actions |
9 & 10 | You come across a Guildbeast trying to fix their cart. They ask for your help if you can spare it and offer to reimburse you for your time. | What guild are they from? What are they carrying in their cart? | Helping Paw - Gain 1 Trinket, and reduce your Journey Timer by 1. |
J | Some frightened beast stops you and says not to go any further down the path, as a wasp nest has fallen and the blighters are stinging anyone who goes near. | Find another route - Change the last two paths of this current move. | Brave the monsters - Drop a Reagent or Tool you are carrying as you rush past! |
M | You stumble upon a group of beasts clad in colourful clothes singing happy songs. | What are they celebrating? Do you join in? What is the strangest part of the celebration? |
Card | Event | Questions | Actions | |
A & 2 | The sound of Stonestackers hard at work echoes across the meadow. As you get nearer you see what they’re halfway finished. | What are they building? What Titan ruins is it inspired by? | ||
3 & 4 | A passing Doughfellow offers you some baked goods for the road and refuses any payment. | What do they give you? How does it taste? | Sugar Rush - Increase your Speed by 1 during your next Move. | |
5 & 6 | Something falls out of a passing Noonmessenger’s satchel, and they don’t seem to have noticed. | Deliver the Parcel - Choose a Location 4 Paths away. If you take the parcel there, gain 3 Trinkets. | Call out to the Messenger - Gain 1 Reputation. Who is the messenger and how do they react? | Keep the Parcel - Choose and Gain a Tool or Upgrade from the Almanac. |
7 & 8 | Little wagons laden with foods and goods are backed up along the path. | How are beasts dealing with the wait? What sort of beasts are stuck here? What is the mood like? | If you have a Wagon -Decrease the Journey Timer by 1. How do you pass the time? What can you see from the road? | If you don’t have a Wagon - You can easily slip through the traffic. |
Meadow Travel in Spring
Card | Event | Questions | Actions | |
9 & 10 | Beasts of all shapes and sizes are hard at work planting seeds and readying the land. A farmer asks if you’d be willing to lend a paw. | - | Farmpaw - Decrease your Journey Timer as many times as you like, and gain a Trinket for each Decrease. | |
J | A field mouse pup armed with a toy sword stops you and playfully demands a tithe. How do you react to such a dangerous brigand? | Pay with your pockets - Lose 1 Trinket. How does the mouse pup react? | Pay with your life - Decrease your Journey Timer by 1. Journal about a mock fight you have with the pup, and how they ‘slay’ you. | Pay with your (short) patience - Storming past the pup, you continue your journey. Lose 1 Reputation. |
M | As you’re passing a burrow, a beast emerges and, panicking, asks for your help delivering a child. | Dula - Begin an Ailment with [PAIN ⁑] and Timer 3. Decrease your Journey Timer by 1. | Produce Remedy - They thank you profusely and pay you 2 Trinkets. Gain 1 Reputation. | Failure - Gain 1 Reputation for stopping to help anyway. |
Card | Event | Questions | Actions | |
A & 2 | The movement of the water proves too powerful for you, waves batter you or currents drag you along until you wash up somewhere unexpected. | Where do you end up? What was the experience like? | Washed Away - Draw a card and move to the nearest Location in that direction: | ♥ - North ♦ - South ♣ - East ♠ - West |
3 & 4 | You scrape against something hidden just under the water. | Draw a card to determine what lurks below | Jack or Monarch - It’s a Titan wreck! What does it look like? What do you think the Titans used it for? | Ace or Numbered - Driftwood and stones form an intricate pattern. How do you think they got there? |
5 & 6 | You float near a Fishfinder who is patiently watching the water. They raise a claw as if to say don’t move, don’t even speak. | If you wait - Decrease your Journey Timer by 1. | Gain a specific part of a Fish Reagent (such as Scales or Bones) as thanks. | If you move - The Fishfinder's catch startles. Have you made an enemy for life? |
7 & 8 | The wind picks up making it a nightmare to get where you’re going. | Press On - Spend an extra Move to travel to the Node you want to reach. | Go With The Flow - Move back a Node for free. |
Loch Travel in Spring
Card | Event | Questions | Actions | |
9 & 10 | You spy a beast not suited to the water clinging to a slowly sinking piece of driftwood. | How did the beast get there, and why did they need to cross the water? | Poulticepounders to the Rescue! - Decrease the Journey Timer by 1, gain 1 Reputation, and change the end of your move to the nearest non-Loch Location. | It’ll sort itself out - You move on, not wanting to risk the dangerous waters yourself. |
J | A competitive water bird challenges you to a race in front of their flock. They mock you and splash water at you. | Consider flicking water on one of your Journal pages, or blur/alter some of the words. | If you race - Draw three cards: two for the bird, and one for you. The highest value card wins. Decrease your Journey Timer by 1 | If you win - Gain 1 Trinket as a prize. If you lose - Gain 1 Reputation, for being a good sport. |
M | Another beast passes you on a truly beautiful boat. They invite you onboard if you don’t mind going their way. | What does the boat look like? Who is the beast that captains it? | Heading - Draw a card to determine their heading. Face card - You may choose where the boat goes. Numbers - They’re heading to any location, but the one you want. | Ace - They’re going the exact opposite way! Go end your move one location away from where you started. |
Foraging Encounters
Which Tables To Draw From
When you need to resolve a Travel Encounter, use the Base Table of the Region you are moving into, and the Modifier Table of the current season. Complete the suggested action.E.G. Base (Forest) + Season (Forest, Spring)
Understanding Encounter Tables
Each encounter comes with up to three pieces of information:
Event. An overview of what is going on in a scene.
Questions. Prompts and opportunities for you to Journal about or otherwise expand the scene.
Actions. Mechanical outcomes for you to follow, depending on what you do in a scene. There may be multiple actions for you to chose from.
While all encounters will have an event, some may have only questions, only actions, or neither.

Event | Questions | Actions | ||
A | You come across a pair of mushroom hunters arguing over a mushroom. One says it's edible. The other says it's poisonous. Thankfully you’re pretty sure you know what it is. | Why are these beasts getting so frustrated over this argument? | Old or Bold -- Vote on whether the mushroom is Edible or Poisonous. Draw a card to see if you’re right. | If it is a Red Suit it's edible; gain 1 Reputation if you were right! If it is a Black Suit it's poisonous; lose 3 Reputation if you were wrong! |
2 | A rude bird lands on a branch above you and makes fun of you for some reason. | What do they say? How do you react? | ||
3 | While sniffing around some mushrooms you come across another Poulticier. They need another set of paws to help them with their own task - if you scratch their back, they’ll scratch yours. | What is their name? What kind of beast are they? Have you met before? | Help Your Guildmate - Draw a card and gain a Forest Reagent with Rarity equal to the card’s value. Decrease your Ailment Timer by 1. | Keep to Yourself - Decrease Guild Reputation by 1. Journal about your fellow Poulticier’s patient. |
4 | Some trees have been felled here by beavers building a dam. | - | Beaver Flood -- the next time you come here this Location has been turned into a Loch Region instead. Note that it is a Beaver Dam. | Dam Burst -- after Winter, all dams burst, and return to being Forest Regions. |
5 | A passing stag knocks over a rotting log revealing a treasure trove of bugs. | - | You eat bugs? -- Draw two cards and gain an INSECT Reagent with Forest Rarity equal to or lower than your highest card’s value. | |
6 | While searching around the roots of a tree, you find the home of an avid forager. | They invite you in to see their collection. What is the most impressive part? | Trade -- You may trade 1 Trinket for a single Forest Reagent of any rarity. | |
7 | As you round a tree you come across two beasts fighting. | What are they quarrelling over? Do you stop them? If so, how? | Intervene -- Gain 1 Reputation but Decrease the Ailment Timer by 1How do you bring peace? | |
8 | Looks like the Wayfinders were hard at work over Winter as you find a brand new route through the forest. | - | Pathfinder -- Draw a new Path that joins this Location to an unconnected nearby Location. |
Forest Foraging in Spring
Event | Questions | Actions | ||
9 | You catch the scent of something sweet and tasty. | - | Sweet Smell -- Draw a card and gain a Reagent with Fair that has a Forest Rarity equal to or less than the card’s value. | |
10 | Your forage brings you to a memorial for a beast that has gone Elsewhere. | Who were they? What is special about this spot? What form does the memorial take? | ||
J | You come across an exiled beast who looks like they barely survived the Winter. They ask you for help. | - | Branded or not -- If you want to help, start a new Novice Ailment. because no one can know you helped a Branded beast, you gain no Trinkets or Reputation for helping them, though you may suffer Consequences. | Rules are rules -- Follow the law and leave them be. What do they say as you leave? How does that feel? |
M | A bear has awoken and is hungry. You hear its roar in the distance. | What fearful whispers are spread about the bear? | Mark this Location with 'Bear'. Until Winter, whenever you Forage in this or an adjacent Location, Monarch draws become 'Scurry!' | Scurry! -- The bear has picked up your scent! Flee, before it finds you. Decrease Ailment Timers by 2 and lose your Reagent . |
Event | Questions | Actions | ||
A | You catch the smell of a delicious berry pie cooling on a window ledge nearby. It’s so distracting you can’t focus on what you’re smelling for. | - | Distracting Scent -- Lose 2 Foraging Points. | |
2 | A friendly bird lands in front of you and asks what you’re doing. | - | Airlift -- If the guild’s Reputation is Trusted or greater, they offer to give you a lift. Gain 4 Foraging Points. | Taxi -- If the guild’s Reputation is Unknown, you can choose to exchange a Trinket to buy a lift and gain 4 Foraging Points. |
3 | You trip over a broken farm tool discarded amongst the grass. | What is it? Why would they just leave it out here? | ||
4 | As you push through some tall grass you spot a tick fall to the ground. Perhaps its best you do a once over for the pesky blighters, or run the risk of falling ill. | - | Tick Check -- Decrease Ailment Timer by 1. | Risk It -- Draw from the Deck. If it is from a Black Suit, you develop a minor fever, halving your Speed for your next Move. |
5 | Music carries across the meadow as another beast sings. | Are they any good? What are they singing? | ||
6 | You pick up the pungent smell of a mushroom coming from somewhere nearby. | - | Fun! -- Draw a card and find a Plant Reagent with Rarity equal to or lower than the card’s value. | |
7 | While searching around, you find an wild ant hive with thousands of busy little workers carrying Reagents, and the temptation is strong to just swipe one. | Ant Thief -- Draw a card and gain a PLANT or INSECT with a Meadow Rarity equal to or lower than the card’s value. | Greedy Heist - You can try to grab more. Draw another card, if it is a ♥, gain another Reagent! | Once Bitten, Twice Shy. If you draw anything other suit, the ants swarm you. Drop 2 Reagents or a Tool that you’re carrying. |
8 | A dark shadow falls across the meadow as an eagle passes overhead. | Where do you take shelter? Does it manage to grab anyone? | Take Shelter -- Decrease Ailment Timers by 1 as you wait for it to leave. |
Meadow Foraging in Spring
Event | Questions | Actions | |
9 | The farmers here have a very unusual way of spreading seeds around the fields. | What is it? Does it seem to work well? | |
10 | The meadows are busy this time of year. Many beasts have set out to plant their fields and fix the damage from the winter prior. | What are their crops? What was damaged from the winter? | Farmer’s Demands -- Get off their land and stop trampling seeds! Lose 2 Foraging Points, or pay a Trinket to forage in their furrows. |
J | Beasts from all around are gathered to see the unveiling of a local Craftpaw’s latest invention. | What is it? Does it work? If not, what goes wrong? | |
M | You hear a cart rumbling past behind you and spot that it's full of Reagents that the farmers have decided are weeds. | Can you convince the cart driver to give you them? | We love weeds! -- Gain as many as you can Carry of a single Meadow Reagent with Rarity 6 or lower. |
Card | Event | Questions | Actions | |
A | The water here is exceptionally clear giving you a clear view of what’s below. | - | Take a gander -- Gain 2 Foraging Points. | |
2 | A passing Fishfinder stops and gives you a fish from their haul. | What prompts this kindly act? | Gain a Small Fish Reagent | |
3 | A shiny piece of something beast made floats past you. It looks like it’s from a settlement nearby. | What does it look like? How do you think it works? | Grab! -- If you hand it into a Settlement connected with a Waterway, gain 2 Reputation and a Trinket. This item has Weight 2. | Leave it be -- If it’s important, someone else can deal with it. |
4 | You spot a beast doing some stretches on a rock nearby. They see you and invite you to join them for a spot of meditation. | - | Join Them -- Decrease Ailment Timers by 1. How do you feel, and what do you learn? | Ignore Them. -- You've got an ailment to tend! |
5 | Mist rolls in across the loch, making it near impossible to see. You’ll have to wait it out. | - | Whiteout -- Decrease Ailment Timer by 1. | |
6 | Something touches your foot. Oh no, what could it be? What horrible thing lurks just underneath the water?! | Do you check? Why?! What is it?! | ||
7 | A terrifying pike lunges up from the inky darkness below and takes a bite at you! How do you escape? What was unique about this monster? | If you have the Coracle, it is damaged and you must go ashore on your next Move or permanently lose it. | If you are swimming, *gain a [WOUND *] that you need to treat before the end of your current Ailment. | Succumbing to your Wounds. If you fail to treat this wound, decrease your Journey Timer by 3 while you wait for it to heal. |
8 | You come across a group of frogs floating a deceased friend out into the water. | "They're going to the Blackwater,” says one frog. | Do you offer condolences or give them space? What is said about the deceased? | Funeral Rites -- If you donate a Reagent with the [ELSEWHERE] tag, Gain 1 Reputation. |
Loch Foraging in Spring
Card | Event | Questions | Actions |
9 | The water here is thick with frogspawn and caretaker frogs who would love to tell you about their little tadpoles-to-be. | What qualities do they boast about? What is the best tadpole name? | Chat a while -- If you wait, Decrease Ailment Timer by 1 but gain 3 Foraging Points. |
10 | The melting snow and ice have raised the water near here, flooding paths and burrows alike. | How do the beasts here deal with the change? Is anybeast badly affected? | Help Out - Decrease Ailment Timer by 2 but gain 1 Reputation. |
J | Warm sun and still water are such a rare but welcome treat. Beasts from all over have taken the chance to dip their paws in and play. | What sort of games do the beasts play? | Relax and Play - Decrease Ailment Timer by 1 but meet a new beast. Who are they? How do you meet? Do you get on? |
M | You spot the tell-tale sign of a pike in the water ahead. It's humongous body and vicious fangs send a shiver up your spine! | Have you seen a pike before? Has it noticed you? | NOPE - Lose 2 Foraging Points. You cannot return to this Location for the rest of this ailment. |
The beasts of the Bristley Woods will reward your skilful solutions with their spare possessions, called Trinkets. You can use these trinkets to barter for new tools, upgrades and reagents, and resolve problems in the world.When you receive any number of trinkets, Journal about one of them.You can draw three times from the trinket table for inspiration about what you have been given.

Card | Object | Material | Origin |
A | Implement or gadget | Titanesque | Unwanted gift |
2 | Container | Hardwood | Tattered and sentimental |
3 | Accessory | Bone | Inherited from family |
4 | Clothing or Equipment | Iron | Discovered by roadside |
5 | Book | Steel | Handmade by owner |
6 | Toy | Brass | Part of a collection |
7 | Instrument | Copper | Traded from faraway |
8 | Tchotchke | Flint | Survived spring cleaning |
9 | Pilgrimage Momento | Grasses / Plant Fibres | Imported from the coast |
10 | Local Souvenir | Pretty Stone | Permanently ‘borrowed’ |
J | Food / Delicacy | Glass | Too big or small for the original owner |
M | Seedling / Potted Plant | Softwood | A friend’s (they went Elsewhere) |
Tools & Upgrades
You use Tools to prepare different remedies and forage for reagents. Tools come with special rules (such as how they help you, and how much they weigh).While Preparing To Leave a settlement or city, you can browse its market stalls and trade trinkets you have collected for any of the following upgrades:
Tool | Notes | Cost & Requirements |
Steel Sicle | When you would gain Foraging Points, gain an additional point. Weight 1. | 5 Trinkets |
Bark Coracle | This allows you to paddle through and stop in Lochs and Rivers (increasing route flexibility). Reduce the Rarity of Reagents in Loch locations by 2. Weight 2. | 8 Trinkets, only from Loch Settlements and Cities |
Waxed Satchel | Buoyant and sturdy, this allows you to swim through any number of (but not stop in) Loch locations. Weight 1. | 6 Trinkets |
Fine Spidersilk Net | While Foraging, reduce the Rarity of Insect Reagents and Fish by 3. Weight 0. | 4 Trinkets, only from Forest Settlements and Cities. |
Fairwind Spices | Add 1 Fair to all Remedies. Weight 1. | 10 Trinkets, only from Odoak |
Big Iron Pot | Access DISTILLED preparation method, and PRESERVE remedies. Weight 2. Some ailments require a remedy that has been PRESERVED. The potency of some reagents can be increased by 1 (٭) if they can be DISTILLED. | 7 Trinkets |
Copper Frying Pan | Access COOKED preparation method. Weight 1. | 4 Trinkets |
Saddlebags | Increases your Carry by 2. You can benefit from a single set of Saddlebags, as can a Familiar that is travelling with you. | 3 Trinkets |
Canvas Tent | Ignore a Negative Event involving the weather. Each use, draw a card from the deck. If it is from the Spade suit, the tent breaks. It can be repaired at a settlement or city for 2 trinkets, or discarded. Weight 2. | 3 Trinkets |
Crossbow | Shoots Bolts to ignore a Negative Event involving a Behemoth. Weight 1. | 3 Trinkets |
Bolts | Shot by a Crossbow. Single-Use. Weight 1. | 1 Trinket |
Companions, Wagons and Clinics
In the full game, you will be able to befriend insects who will keep you company on your journeys, commission the construction of Wagons which will greatly expand what you can take with you, and establish Clinics for the beasts of the Bristley Woods to visit!